Aurora says:
Ok. So here's the story. We had a photo shoot last weekend with our Renegade teammates. It was good and fun. Cowboy hats, military caps, and jewelry. Beer, music and rollergirls. Grrrreat. But we didn't get all the shots we needed. We still need studio shots of our products, and some sexy shots of me and Lusty for our About Us page. Not wanting to pack up and haul our products and our asses all the way to the other side of the city, we tried to find a more local photographer to finish up our work. And we thought we had found one. Prompt, professional responses, good website, nice photographs. We scheduled a time with her and everything. Here is the problem. During Lusty's phone conversation with the photographer, she explained that we needed our shots to convey "Lust" and "Gore". To this, the photographer expressed some nervousness about our "scary" (Gore?) shots. She said that she wasn't sure about the scary shots and the nervousness stemmed from her love for Jesus . . . Ok. Lusty explained that we were looking for sexy, edgy, and attitude which seems to clear things up, and then the shoot was scheduled.
Later that evening, at the Hall of Justice, we were laying in bed talking about the day and the Jesus comment came up. Hey, we love Jesus too, but (until now) we leave it out of our work. So we started thinking maybe our gayness/gaiety/lesbian status was going to be a problem for the photographer. The decision was made to come clean with the photographer so that the shoot could go down without surprises or akwardness. . .
It turns out that the shoot will not be going down at all now. The photographer refused to do any shots of us that may suggest a relationship. She would do "best friend" type shots, but nothing that might insinuate girl-on-girl action. Funny, I think one of my criteria to even be able to refer to someone as my best friend is the willingness to press their boobs against mine, or at lest let me ride them around like a pony (bareback of course). Somehow, I think the photographer wouldn't understand the type of relationships I have with my friends. I could be wrong, though. In her email she mentioned that she had many gay friends, and loved to dance at gay clubs. She also suggested she had a somewhat wicked and sordid past. Maybe she would believe me when I said that I like to lick the necks of all of my friends. I could show her the picture of me and Dottie on the motorcycle during the Albany All Stars New York Rider magazine photo shoot. Witness exhibit number one . . .
I am gonna pass the torch now because Lusty wants a piece of this blog action.
Lusty says:
This is my first blog ever. Computers aren't really my thing, but I'm going to have to comment on this one. First of all, let me just say, that having lived in the great State of New York my whole life (besides a brief stint in Paris), and I've never really had my sexuality come up as a problem. Except for that one time, a group of kids threw glass bottles at me, but maybe they just didn't like my shirt. Anyway, living here in Arizona, it's not uncommon to see homophobic billboards and commercials. It's highly disturbing...
So, as Aurora mentioned, we were looking for a photographer. I won't re-tell the story, because she explained it perfectly. But I will give you my reactions, as they happened. I cried. I cried so hard. I know, you're thinking, "Wow. What a pussy". Yeah, I guess I'm sensitive. Believe me, I certainly wasn't expecting such a strong reaction to this lady's email. But, there I was, sobbing. I was so insulted. How could someone say they "have lots of gay friends", and they "dance in gay clubs all the time", and they "aren't judging my lifestyle", and they "are sure you (I) love her and desire her", and that "it feels totally natural to you (me)"???? AND THEN, they turn around and say that they're uncomfortable taking pictures that would suggest any sort of relationship between the two of us, other than "best friend" shots. That's not what her work "on Earth" is for. Hmmm...So, her work on Earth doesn't involve taking pictures of Love? What does she have against Love? I guess we should take a look at the Bible. I've been reading it for several months now, because it's been around a while, and I was hoping I'd be able to find it's contents useful (and I'm a wicked slow reader). So here we are. Perfect situation. For those of you who don't know, Leviticus is the portion of the Bible where God talks about His rules and regulations.
"Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable."
Ok, so the Lord doesn't want people to have gay sex. I get that. (But it doesn't say that you can't love a man as one loves a woman, but that's not my point. I'll get to my point shortly)
"Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material."
So, for this one, I'm interpreting the meaning as, you're not supposed to wear blended fabrics. No cotton-poly blends allowed, at all.
What I'm getting at here, is that if people are going to live by the rules of the Bible, they shouldn't get to pick and choose which rules they are going to live by. It's either all or nothing as far as I'm concerned. So, if some hypocritical asshole is going to hate on my lifestyle, they better be fucking sure they're wearing straight-up cotton.
By the way, I wonder if her "gay friends" would still be her friends if they knew about this situation. But then again, gay folks just aren't that judgmental.