For your enjoyment and theirs, Lusty and Aurora sat down (But wait, that's not even the fun part!) and interviewed each other. Because of Aurora's substantial ADD and Lusty's excitement to get to happy hour, the interview is done shotgun style - -questions fired, answers scattered, splattered, and, sometimes, disgusting.
Aurora to Lusty: Would you rather have a hook for a hand or a peg leg?
Lusty: Hook. I can't fit my skate on a peg and I can rip a girl's face off with a hook.
Lusty to Aurora: You were in the Air Force. Have you ever fired two guns whilst jumping through the air?
Aurora: No. I have shot a machine gun straight up into the air with one arm while yelling "Freedom!" though.
Aurora to Lusty: Is my butt broken?
Lusty: Yes. There's a huge crack in it. Maybe your name should be Count Crackula instead of Aurora Gory Alice.
Lusty to Aurora: Do you think my sweat smells like menstruation?
Aurora: No. Your breath does.
Aurora to Lusty: Alright. On to Lust & Gore now. What is your favorite Lust & Gore product?
Lusty: Our newest design usually tends to be my favorite because we just get better and better at designing. Right now, though, my favorite is the black straw cowboy hat with the nails through the hat band, and nails pierced through the brim. It makes me feel a combination of heavy metal and hoedown.
Lusty to Aurora: What Lust & Gore product or products are you most excited about?
Aurora: I love to skate. I have roller derby to thank for the "fuck it" attitude that led to the creation of this business. So, my favorite designs are those that pay homage to skating, namely the skate bearing jewelry and the customized military cap with the handpainted rollergirls.
Aurora to Lusty: What is it like to work with me?
Lusty: If it weren't for all the drinking, I am not sure I could do it. Thank goodness for the drinking. Plus, I think you're kinda hot. And tall.
Lusty to Aurora: What made you decide to make fashion accessories out of hardware?
Aurora: On the way from Albany to Phoenix, we decided to buy cowboy hats. Everything we came across in our search for the perfect cowboy hat was either lame or low key. We are neither of those things. I had always thought about making jewelry from hardware for myself because I love the weight of the metal. It feels powerful and hardcore. So, we translated that idea to cowboy hats, and later military caps. We customized them with hardware to make unique hats that were hardcore without trying. They don't feel contrived. They are just badass.
Aurora to Lusty: Is there anything you want the reader to know about Lust & Gore Hardwear?
Lusty: Lust & Gore stuff makes you feel good. This old world can suck you dry sometimes. You deserve to feel good so we are designing interesting products to make you the superstar of wherever you are.
Lusty to Aurora: What about you? Anything you want the readers to know?
Aurora: If you're wearing Lust & Gore and people aren't staring, it's because they are scared.
Aurora to Lusty: What is the secret of the orient?
Lusty: Why, Pearl Cream, of course.