In the world of online marketing, the keyboard can be your friend or foe. With that instrument I am a brawlarina (shout out, AZRD!) far more than a ballerina. My peckers have good length and girth, and all 4 of them that I actually use type with both speed and power, but not always assuracy. Most of the time they serve me well. Sometimes, though, they miss or overflow. So, when we drop you a flyer on MySpace, or post on your Wall on Facebook, just know that whether Aurora's fat fingers typed "Thanks for the add!" or "Thanks for the ass!" she meant it with the utmost respect and professional courtesy.
You see, at Lust & Gore Hardwear there are a few things we love. Cowboy hats, military caps, and jewelry, of course. But, we also love roller derby, rollergirls, music, music lovers, tattoos, motorcycles, bikers, extreme sports, metal, dogs, sarcasm, and booties.
Well, honestly, we think boobies are nice too . . .
Come visit. Get to know us better.
Lust & Gore Hardwear