Friday, October 17, 2008

I Could Gore You With My Hat but Then I'd Have Blood on My Beaver

The newest Lust & Gore cowboy hat could poke your eye out. The real bummer with that would be that you would only have one eye left to admire the hat with. Chain and screws for a hat band and 1 1/2" screws (of substantial girth) up through the black fur brim. The Lust is in the wanting and the Gore is in the design. A couple of new ideas in our rock star/roller derby minds promise more danger and "Fuck you" fashion in the near future.

I am Aurora Gory Alice. I will make you better or make you cry.

At the writing of this post, Lusty Crush was unavailable for comment. She is building an octagon in the basement. This blog would be longer but one of my hands is secured to the chain link fence of the octagon with the same twisted link chain that is used to make our cowboy hats and jewelry. We don't just sell Lust & Gore, we are Lust & Gore.

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